The Graduate Program in Computer Engineering (PPGEC), offered by the Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) (University of Pernambuco), extends and deepens the
knowledge of the contents of the undergraduate program in Computer Engineering (one of the most pursued Computing courses in Pernambuco, see the eComp portal). Both programs (undergraduate and graduate) are carried out at the centennial Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco - POLI (Polytechnic School of Pernambuco ) (POLI), which is the technological branch of the UPE.
The Graduate Program in Computer Engineering at the Universidade de Pernambuco will contribute substantially to Science and Society via Computational Intelligence and Computational Systems Modeling this will be achieved with:
- The training of independent researchers with an international perspective,
- The production of knowledge focused mainly on technological innovation
- The program’s performance to bring academic knowledge closer to the demands of the industry.
- To strengthen the Undergraduate program in Computer Engineering of the UPE by promoting integrated activities with the Graduate programs;
- To meet the large and growing local and regional demand by highly qualified professionals in the area of Computing, especially in the current lines of research of the Program, keeping the curriculum matrix always updated and aligned with the demands, reducing evasion and meeting deadlines of research;
- To generate a critical mass of researchers needed for the consolidation of other Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, stimulating the attraction and permanence of new researchers in the region by adding chains and groupings;
- To strengthen the internationalization of the Program and its research, promoting partnerships with centers of excellence abroad and regional integration in Latin American countries;
- To contribute to the attracting and retention of doctors (including from abroad), offering new opportunities for the development of their research, through postdoctoral internships and / or as visiting professors;
- To strengthen the researches carried out by the professors through the funding of research and innovation resources and improving the conditions in which the Undergraduate and Graduate courses in Computing are offered;
- To encourage the increase of the quality productivity of the permanent faculty members of the courses of Undergraduate and Graduate programs in Computing;
- To encourage student involvement in research projects and intellectual productions of the Program;
- To produce solutions to complex problems involving theoretical constructs of the Program's current lines of researchof the Program;
- To contribute to the consolidation of the Instituto de Inovação Tecnológica da UPE (Institute of Technological Innovation of the UPE);
- To contribute to the strategic actions of the State Government of PE to strengthen PARQTEL and Porto Digital.
Important: As a public stricto sensu graduate program, we do not charge tuition fees, however we expect a high level of dedication during the course period. Further information about the operation of the Program can be verified in its Internal Rules.