Registrations - Regular Candidates
General orientations

 All copies of requested documents must be authenticated;
 The forms and the research projects are available on the Master page (
 We will not accept envelopes that are not sealed, signed and properly identified;
 The Secretariat will not check the documentation of the candidates at the time of registration, in this case, those will be responsible for the delivery of complete and correct documentation;
 The evaluation of the documentation (completeness and correctness) delivered by the candidate is an eliminatory phase of the selection process;
 The details of the (single) bank account of the Post-Graduation Program in Systems Engineering of UPE are: 
Banco do Brasil;
 Agencia 3234-4 
Conta-Currente no. 9637-7;
 The Program will not reimburse any expenses of the candidate prevented from enrolling, disqualified or not selected for noncompliance with that specified in this Notice and / or as a result of the selection process;
 At the time of registration, the candidate will automatically comply with the provisions contained in this notice and selection process;
 The Selection Committee will announce the list of accepted entries to continue the selection process
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