The faculty of the Graduate Program in Teacher Training and Interdisciplinary Practices (PPGFPPI) at the Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) is made up of professors from the Courses in Human Sciences, Exact and Earth Sciences, Biological Sciences and Health Sciences, assigned to the Petrolina and Garanhuns campuses, as well as professors from the  Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF)  assigned to the Petrolina campus and professors from the Universidade Estadual da Bahia on loan to UPE/Petrolina.


All of them are members of groups with productive researchers and, for this reason, they obtain external funding for research development and national and international publications, as well as experience as supervisors, both in scientific initiation and graduate studies.


The PPGFPPI has 4 (four) faculty members with a post-doctoral degree: Luciano José Vianna - UFS; Marcelo Silva de Souza Ribeiro - UFBA, Paulo César Marques de Andrade Santos - UFBA (nearing completion); Iracema Campos Cusati - IESLA (Argentina).


 Associate Professors with the title of Livre docência (it is the highest degree an academic can achieve in Brazil. It is only for holders of a doctorate):  Cristhiane Maria Bazílio de Omena, Flávia Emília Cavalcante Valença Fernandes, Fernando da Silva Cardoso, Raimunda Áurea Dias de Sousa, Paulo César Marques de Andrade Santos and Tarcísio Fulgêncio Alves da Silva.

In the menu below the title Faculty, click on the desired option to view the Faculty: PermanentCollaborators ou Visitors.


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