The Coordination of the Graduate Program in Systems Engineering at the University of Pernambuco makes public the NOTICE Nº 02/2022 REGULAR ANNOUNCEMENT - SELECTION PROCESS FOR REGULAR ADMISSION TO THE MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAM IN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING IN 2023.
Applications will be made online from 12/12/2022 to 01/23/2023.
For registration, it will be necessary to fill in the Regular Student Registration Form.
The (only) bank account of the Graduate Program in Systems Engineering at UPE is:
Banco do Brasil;
Agency 3234-4;
Bank account no. 9637-7;
CNPJ: 03.507.661/0001-04.
The Program will not reimburse any expenses incurred by candidates prevented from enrolling, disqualified or not selected due to non-compliance with those specified in this Public Notice and/or as a result of the selection process.
At the time of application, the candidate will automatically comply with the provisions contained in this notice and selection process.
Rua Benfica, 455 - Madalena - CEP 50720-001 - Recife - PE - Brasil
Tel.: (81) 3184-7570
Horário de funcionamento: das 08h às 14h, de segunda a sexta-feira.