The Graduate Program in Teacher Training and Interdisciplinary Practices (PPGFPPI) at UPE Petrolina, at the Master's level, recommended by means of the Official Letter No. 212-30/2014 CTC/CAA II CGAA/DAV/CAPES, is the result of a proposal drawn up by a committee of newly-doctoral professors from the education degree courses, based on the needs of the campus and the region itself, which demanded the institution to continue providing training. After approval by the Councils of the University , it was submitted to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) and, after approval in December 2014 with Ministerial Order no. 326 of March 9, 2017 from the Ministry of Education, it was not only the first Stricto Sensu Program on campus, but also in the area of Education in the region, whose objective was and is focused on training teachers capable of meaningful teaching practices.
CURRICULAR STRUCTURE: It comprises 30 (thirty) credits, of which 08 (eight) credits are from mandatory disciplines of the course; 04 (four) credits are from mandatory disciplines in the line of research to which the student is affiliated; 08 (eight) credits are from elective disciplines; 04 (four) credits are from programmed activities (participation in seminars, courses and scientific events, publications, etc.).
MANDATORY DISCIPLINES: Research Methodology - 60h; Education and Interdisciplinarity - 60h; Didactics of Higher Education - 60h.
I. Educational policies, teacher training and pedagogical praxis
Mandatory disciplines: Teacher Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices - 60h
Elective disciplines: State and Public Policies in Education - 60h; Popular Education and Social Movements - 60h; Education and Work - 60h; Technological Innovations in Education - 60h; Local History and History Teaching in Basic Education - 60h; The Reflective Teacher and the Epistemology of Practice - 60h; Inclusive Education - 60h; Literacy: conceptions, teaching and learning - 60h.
II. Education, environment and health
Mandatory disciplines: Active Teaching-Learning Methodologies - 60h
Elective disciplines: Environment, Society and Sustainability - 60h; Quality of Life in the School Environment: contemporary issues - 60h; Education, Culture and Health - 60h; Education in Human Rights and Diversity: Formative Policies and Social Practices - 60h; Environmental Education: Pedagogical Challenges in the Context of the Brazilian Semiarid Region - 60h; Health Education in Teaching Practice - 60h; Health, family and school - 60h; Environment, Society and Sustainability - 60h.