Aluno: Cristian Camilo Millan Arias

Título: “Teaching Proxemic Behavior to Cognitive Agents with Reinforcement Learning"

Orientador: Bruno José Torres Fernandes - (PPGEC)

Coorientador: Francisco Javier Cruz Naranjo

Examinador Externo 1: Cleber Zanchettin - (UFPE)

Examinador Externo 2: Miguel Andres Solis - (UNAB)

Examinador Interno 1: João Fausto Lorenzato de Oliveira

Examinador Interno 2: Diego M. Pinheiro F. Silva

Data-hora: 31 de Julho de 2024 às 18h.
Local: Formato Remoto


         "Human interaction starts with a person approaching another one, respecting their personal space to prevent uncomfortable feelings. Spatial behavior, called proxemics, allows defining an acceptable distance so that the interaction process begins appropriately. In recent decades, human-agent interaction has been an area of interest for researchers, where it is proposed that artificial agents naturally interact with people. Thus, new alternatives are needed to allow optimal communication, avoiding humans feeling uncomfortable. Several works consider proxemic behavior with cognitive agents, where human-robot interaction techniques and machine learning are implemented. However, it is assumed that the personal space is fixed and known in advance, and the agent is only expected to make an optimal trajectory towards the person. In this work, we focus on studying the behavior of a reinforcement learning agent in a proxemic-based environment. Experiments were carried out implementing a grid-world problem and a continuous simulated robotic approaching environment. These environments assume that there is an issuer agent that provides non-conformity information. Our results suggest that the agent can identify regions where the issuer feels uncomfortable and find the best path to approach the issuer. The results obtained highlight the usefulness of reinforcement learning in order to identify proxemic regions."

Defesa phd 21
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